Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Complete Packet 1: Check!

 Where We Are Now:

After spending the weekend in the Quad Cities with our friends and family, we almost left without our tax information!  The car was packed, Adam insisted on the 13th "quick run-through" to make sure we had everything.  I walked to the door with my razor, lotion, a book, and over the threshold before I yelled, "TAX RETURNS!  OH MY GOSH, WE NEED TAX STUFF!  GO! GO! IT'S HALF THE REASON WE CAME BACK THIS WEEKEND!"  So, on we went...to the home office to gather all financial papers for the adoption.  It took us about 10 minutes to gather everything together and I couldn't believe we almost forgot it all.  (BIG sigh)

So, as soon as we returned yesterday, we finished the application, wrote our check for the application fee, attached our photo, and went to UPS to have it all notarized.  Today, I took the packet to the post office, made sure it was safe and ready to go, and spent the most important $4.33 of my life, thus far.

A million thoughts have gone through my head since my last post.  The biggest is this: 

Psalm 139:16
"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

God knows my baby!  I've known this, but it really hit me this past week.  We have no idea who our birth mother is, when our baby was or will be conceived.  We know nothing aside from the fact that this is where God has called us to be.  He planned this process before either of us were ever in the womb of our own mothers.  And He knows our baby just the same.  This is amazing to me.  I've been praying for our birth mother, and also our birth father...that they come to the choice of adoption together, with peace of mind.  But it dawned on me, that God knows our baby, too!  We can pray for him or her.  Regardless of whether our baby is here, forming in the womb of our birth mother....or still in heaven, waiting to be sent to Earth, God knows him or her and we can pray that Baby arrives safely, among other things.  I don't have to wait until my baby is in my arms to play my role as Mother.  I can start now, and it's the most amazing feeling in the world.

Next Up:
Packet II, which involves a million things.  I will list them when the packet and checklist arrive.  In the mean time, I know of two books we need to read as part of our training, so I plan to order those this week so that we can get a head start on the Adoptive Parent training!  

One of the amazing concepts I have discovered in this process is Adoptive Breastfeeding.  Did you know that adoptive mothers can breast feed their babies?!  I'm extremely excited about this possibility.  I know breastfeeding is a huge cultural issue in the States right now, and am aware that many people are uncomfortable with the topic.  For that reason, I plan to track what I learn, but will create a separate page on here for those interested.  Anyone not wanting to know the details can still follow our journey without being offended, grossed out, or any other negative feeling associated with breastfeeding women.  And I will keep my political views of the whole thing as mild as possible.  The way I see it, breastfeeding today (especially at the toddler level) is the new Bra Burning Women's Movement.  I don't plan on burning my bras, but I won't be attacking those who do, either.

Thank you everyone, for your support, congratulations, and prayers.  For now, the following is at the top of the list of prayers:

-For our birth mother to be at peace with her decision of adoption
-For our birth mother to be surrounded with support from friends, family, and community regarding her adoption decision
-For our birth father to support our birth mother in her decision
-For our birth father to be known, on board with the adoption, and willing to sign away his rights with our birth mother.
-Peace, for all four of us.  Peace for Adam and me while we wait, peace for our birth parents as they make their decisions and go through the process of conception-birth, knowing they won't take their baby home with them.
-For our baby to be healthy, protected during pregnancy, born without major complications to Baby or birth mother. 

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude, excitement, and the assurance that God has our adoption planned out.  I can't imagine how people take this journey without the peace of God.  I would be a basket case if I didn't know someone was in control of all of this!   


  1. 1 Samuel 1:27

    It needs to be on the wall in your baby's room. :) I can't wait for the he/she's HERE post!

  2. Erin I feel like that post is an eternity away! It's been two days since I mailed the application and I've already tried pulling strings wih a friend "on the inside" to see it t arrives today.

    I live the verse. I have a wall phrase for a girl nursery, but haven't found anything yet for a boy. I like this one. Not sure I want a scripture verse...but I do have a photo planned for this verse. Lucky me I know a great photographer so we can plan our sessions early! :)
