Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hobby Schmobbie

I've been working on this whole "Find a Hobby" assignment. I've been thinking about it every spare minute I have and finally made a decision. Most ideas I had required spending more money on things I don't need. Others involved working more, which again, I don't need. I realized, if I'm going to spend money on free time, I want an experience...not more stuff. So I started thinking of experiences I would like to have. This took me to my bucket list, which made me want to journal about this whole process, which led me to skim through old journal entries....which made me realize I have been saying to myself (AKA to my journal) that I want to pick up running again. And I've been saying it for the last five years! Time to do aomething about it.

I ran a lot in middle school and Jr high and loved it! I was good at distance running and loved the stress release that followed a good run.

Now, most people who know me are probably laughing with me at the thought of me working out. Somewhere between 17 and 28, almost every form of physical activity has become something to avoid at all costs. I'm not sure why, but there you go.

Because Im so driven, I know I can pick this back up. I've learned that I need a plan, a routine, a schedule to follow or a list to check off, in order to reach my goals. So, I remembered a friend posting something awhile back, on Facebook, about the Couch to 5K. I looked into it a little and decided thats what Im going with! I'm jealous of my friends and family who regularly workout, participate in 5k runs, and have awesome bodies (Have you SEEN my big brother?!) I go. Unrelated to adoption, yet fully connected to achieving my goals, growing, and training myself for parenting. I'm looking forward to more energy, less stress, pride that comes with achievement, and accountability! I'm posting my goal here so that I stick to it!

I'm fighting a bad cold, (read: horrible, life threatening, lungs collapsing, nose exploding man cold) and can't say more than three words without coughing up my insides. But, I've downloaded the official C25K app on my phone and Im ready to go as soon as I can breathe without popping menthol cough drops every 2.6 minutes (yes, it's 2.6). I'm hoping for a next week start day!

The next item on my agenda is to find a 5k run that is scheduled in Omaha for roughly 9 weeks from now. That's when I should be ready, according to this program. Here I go!

P.s. This might mean new shoes...?!!! One pair for training, and another as a reward for accomplishing my goal! Sounds perfect to me. :)

And since you're here- nothing new on the baby front. Unfortunately, this will be how the next few blog posts most likely close. The waiting isn't fun. And it's far from eventful these days. Every time I hear my phone notify me of an email, my heart skips a beat, thinking it might be Love Basket. But then I remember that they will call about a match-not email. So then I take my time checking it. :/

Please continue to pray for peace! Peace for our birth parents, our baby, and our household. And while we are waiting, it would be a tremendous miracle and blessing for our Iowa house to SELL!!! We didn't really plan on having this house for so long and its taking its toll on our little nest egg.

I'm falling asleep as I type, thanks to the little cocktail of drugs I too just a few minutes ago. Thank you for praying for us. We love and appreciate all of your support and can't wait to introduce our little angel once we get that far!!!

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